Why subscribe?

Hello and welcome to the Tricks of Trauma Program.  My name is Dr.
Barbara Ziegler, and l will be your inspirational, life changing
coach.  I personally have experienced a tremendous amount of trauma
throughout my life, as so many of us have.  And after years of trying
to figure this all out, you might say the greatest contribution I wish
to make, is to help others heal their psychological wounds and to assist in bringing about their transformation, from what I have discovered and accomplished.

This program is designed to help you to understand trauma, to see how
it influences you personally, and to help you become aware of how it has
impacted your life.  In the early episodes I will lay out these
influences, the learned behavior that results from trauma, the
continuing effects of the Shockwave of World War 2, and many tricks
you can use, to begin alleviating your emotional pain. 

And once you begin to understand that perhaps you are operating under the influence
of trauma, and see how it is clouding over you, I truly hope you
rejoice in knowing there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and the
sun is shining there.

As I begin to release episodes of the Tricks of Trauma Program over
the coming weeks, I welcome and encourage you to write to me, and share your
struggles and challenges.  This is not only a place where we can learn and understand
trauma better, but a place where we can share, support, and form a
community to heal our psychological wounds together as well.

What trauma have you experienced?

What is happening in your life that you perceive you can’t change?

What are you struggling with?

What can’t you come to terms with?

In other words, what is holding you back from being the best me you
can be.  It maybe trauma from your childhood, when you were in school,
in the military, dealing with hospitals and illness, sexual trauma,
domestic violence, gas lighting, even the recent pandemic.  Whatever
it is, I would love to hear from you, and assist you into a new way of
being with yourself.

And as I begin to select your letters, I will be creating new episodes in the
Tricks of Trauma Program on your subject, so that many others can be
helped by your experience too.  And, together we can heal our
psychological wounds, one person at a time.

Remember, when you address and heal your trauma, you will regain your
self-confidence, you will be your natural self, you will become what
your own personal version of success is, and you will know that you
are perfect just the way you are.  You are not broken and you don’t
need to be fixed.  You are absolutely worthy, just because you

In other words, you will move into your own personal freedom
and empowerment.  You know, your genuine, authentic self, that can
emerge from the rubble of your past, and come to the realization of
how strong and powerful you are.

And the Tricks of Trauma Program is intended for your own personal
exploration, growth, and expansion, and it should not be considered as
a replacement or substitution for professional, medical, or
psychological advice.

Remember, you have to make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change.

Are you ready?

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Subscribe to The Tricks of Trauma Program

This program is designed to give you the tricks or tools that you can apply to heal and bring about your transformation, so you can be the best me you can be.